
How SuperHandy Rolled Into Mobility—and Why We're Not Stopping.

How SuperHandy Rolled Into Mobility—and Why We're Not Stopping.

Hey there, SuperHandy fam!

Today, we're rolling back the clock to share a story that’s close to our hearts—how we expanded our horizons from outdoor power equipment and home improvement tools to include Mobility Assistance devices, like our signature Mobility Scooters. Yes, you've known us for our robust tools that empower your outdoor and home projects, but we’ve always believed in pushing boundaries and empowering people in every aspect of their lives.

More Than Tools: A Mission to Empower

A lot of people ask us, "So how did an Outdoor Power Equipment company end up making Mobility Scooters anyway?" Well, at SuperHandy, our guiding principle has always been “With the right tools, Anyone can be SuperHandy.” That “anyone” includes those facing mobility challenges, inspiring us to think about tools in the broadest sense. Tools that not only help you create and maintain but also move and live freely.

From Powering Gardens to Powering Movement

Our foray into mobility wasn’t a leap but a natural step in our journey to empower. We started asking ourselves, why limit our impact to the garden or workshop when we can also enhance how people experience their world? Our expertise in creating user-friendly, durable tools gave us a unique perspective on how mobility devices could be improved.

The Spark of Innovation

The idea that sparked our mobility line was both simple and revolutionary: create a mobility scooter powered by the same SuperHandy Li-on battery technology that runs our electric power equipment. This wasn’t just about adding a new product; it was about rethinking mobility as a form of empowerment, making it fun, accessible, and, most importantly, inclusive.

A Ride for Everyone

We designed our mobility scooters with everyone in mind, aiming to dismantle the stigmas around mobility aids. Our goal was to craft a device that wasn’t just functional but also enjoyable for anyone to use—regardless of age or mobility challenge. We wanted to make a scooter that would be a natural extension of one’s desire for freedom and adventure.

Breaking Down Barriers

Noticing the hefty price tags and the complexity of traditional mobility devices, we were determined to make a change. We rejected the idea that mobility should be a luxury or overly complicated. By eliminating middlemen and leveraging direct-to-consumer sales, we’ve made mobility more affordable and accessible than ever.

Keeping It Simple and Accessible

Our approach to mobility scooters is like our approach to all our tools: keep them light, no-frills, and easy to maintain. We prioritize ease of use, from maintenance to battery replacement, ensuring our devices are as user-friendly as possible. And with options ranging from our lightest scooter at 35 pounds to our heaviest at 50 pounds, we’ve ensured they’re travel-friendly, too.

Moving Forward, Expanding Horizons: Embracing the Future with SuperHandy

Our adventure into the world of mobility assistance isn't just a new chapter; it's a natural extension of our core mission at SuperHandy. We started with mobility scooters, crafting them with care, innovation, and a keen eye for what truly helps people move freely. But why stop there? Our vision has always been about breaking barriers and broadening horizons. That's why we're thrilled to share that our range is growing.

We've taken the lessons learned, the feedback received, and the inspiration garnered from our community to develop even more tools for independence. Our electric wheelchairs are the next step in that journey, designed with the same commitment to simplicity, reliability, and practicality that you've come to expect from us. But we're not stopping at wheelchairs. We're looking ahead, exploring how we can further assist in making every home and every journey more accessible.

Soon, we'll introduce home assistance devices, from floor to chair lifts to other innovations that promise to make daily tasks less of a challenge and more of a pleasure. Imagine a home where mobility isn't just possible; it's effortless. That's the future we're working towards.

Our commitment remains steadfast: to make quality mobility affordable and accessible to everyone. We understand the importance of independence and the freedom it brings to our lives. By expanding our product line, we're not just offering tools; we're offering more opportunities for everyone to live their lives to the fullest, without barriers, without limits.

As we move forward, our horizons expand, driven by the belief that with the right tools, anyone can be SuperHandy. We're excited about what lies ahead and we invite you to join us on this journey. Together, we'll continue to redefine mobility, making every step, every roll, and every ride an affirmation of our shared commitment to empowerment, inclusivity, and innovation.

Stay tuned for what's next. With SuperHandy, the future is wide open, and it looks incredibly empowering.

Join Us on This Journey

Our move into mobility is a testament to our belief that there should be no limits to empowerment. We're proud of where we are and excited about where we're going. Check out our Mobility Assistance collection and see how we're making movement accessible to everyone: Shop Mobility Assistance.

Thanks for being part of this journey. Here’s to moving forward, breaking new ground, and staying SuperHandy, in every way possible.

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1 comment

Wendy Sanders

Wendy Sanders

I love my Super Handy! It’s the best one Iv3 ever taken on a cruise. It’s even light enough for the water taxi into shore! I for 1 refuse to stop having fun. This cart makes it that much easier. I think my rotator walker is heavier than this cart. I wish I could get the front stabilizer bars on mine, I’ve had people asking me where I got it at concerts, festivals, cruises, and anywhere a light scooter would work. I always brag about how much I love it, and I let them know where to find you. The only downside is there’s no key so when I travel on a plane I have to take the batteries with me in my bag.

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